Friday, January 26, 2007

"why are we here?"

Babel. First I have to say a big ol' HELL YEAH! to the plethora of very talented and now Oscar nominated Mexican directors. This movie is of one such director. My expectations were high, as I enjoyed his "Amores Perros", and I was not disappointed.

The movie tells three very different, though achingly similiar stories. They, of course, are intertwined and the moral of the story is leanred by all involved. I very much enjoyed the acting from everyone. The big names: Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett were good. Cate Blanchett never disappoints, in my book. The best actors to me were those whose name I don't know. The children in the Morroco story, particularly the 'Yussef' character were superb. I also can tell why the actress who plays 'Cheiko' was nominated for Best Supporting Actress. though I could have done without the 'Basic Instinct' type of flashing she did. .

I appreciated the emphasis on communication, thus the title, and our need to keep things clear and how rarely that works. I appreciated the diverse cast and settings asthe movie took place in Morroco, Japan and Southern California/Mexico. It was a beautiful shot movie as well. I don't know about its chances in the Best Picture category but it is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. A

Saturday, January 20, 2007

..another saturday night...

well, that "just another saturday night and i ain't got nobody..." song used to be my theme for saturdays. i find myself in the same situation tonight. i'm bored and got nothing to do or money to spend or boy to smooch. sigh.

but on a more reality based and not self pity based topic- i've been more and more worried about my family. yes and no. i live so far away because it's very hard for me to constantly be in their prescense. i wind up getting way too involved in the individual dramas that go down. i've definitely had a little more peace of mind becing far away. lately, however, that's changing. my youngest sister basically eloped at the end of last month. now we find out she's expecting. and twins no less. she was all set to move to alaska to be with her *gulp* husband but was persuaded to stay around family. sigh. i don't know - i'll keep praying.

i'm full and i've had is flavored water and dried apricots. don't you just love being a woman during certain times.

rsvps are rolling in. so far nays for my local people - i'm not at all surprised- and a few yeas from family. i'm getting a little more excited. grins.

i just adore "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story"- definite A+

Sunday, January 7, 2007


goddamnit motherfucking shit ass head fucking asshole bitch shitter...crap!

after 4 weeks of busting my ass in the gym i have lost all of ONE HALF OF A POUND! fuck it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

nothing, really

that's what i've done all day. i don't even have any whimsical philosophy to share, just a desire to type. i just tried to workout and wanted to puke after 15 minutes so i stopped. i suppose it's a night where i should heed my mom's tried and true advice: take a hot shower, drink some tea and get some rest.

sounds good to me.

Monday, January 1, 2007

new start

ah, the first day of the new year. i've loved every minute of though i'm a bit hungry right now. i'll fix that soon enough. not much to say. i've spent a lot of time finding and writing down addresses for invitations. my mom wants a head count by valentine's day. lord. anyway, it's kind of fun because it's forced me to call a couple of old friends and talk to them. yay for auld lang syne which i learned last night means 'all these things'. i also was not aware that the phrase: Should all acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne? was acutally a question.

i'm also toying with the strange desire to bake something. there's absolutely no one here to eat a cake or anything but i just want to make one. maybe a banana bread or something...
