Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tag, I'm it

The rules:

* Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. In my thirty years on the planet, I have had thirty different addresses, lived in eleven different cities, in five different states.

2. Loving others never came easy to me. Feeling on the outside was the norm until my niece was born. She has no motor skills and, ironically, that proved to me the goodness of God. It forced my heart open and she was my first true love.

3. My first dentist visit was at age 24.

4. People always say you should pursue a career in what you would do for free and for me that would mean: watching movies, napping and kissing on my husband. I'm not sure anyone is hiring for those.

5. When I was six, my uncle asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, "A singer and a dancer", I replied.

6. One of my favorite memories is of my mom packing all five of us in her minivan and not telling us where we were going. She took us through back roads around town so that we couldn't guess that she was taking us to the "big city" mall. We were all so full of anticipation, we were quiet and nice to each other and that was rare.

7. I'm not a cat person. Sorry.

8. In college, I lived a month off of $1 bags of Wal-mart popcorn and water.

Monday, June 11, 2007

"...are you watching Oprah?"

Ocean's 13 Long story short- I liked it a lot. I wasn't expecting anything after that fiasco that was called Ocean's 12. Ugh. This time it's just the guys with the exception of a very plasticized Ellen Barkin. They're back in Vegas because Rueben, played by Elliot Gould, has just fallen ill. He's been shafted by Al Pacino's character, Willy Bank, in a development deal gone all wrong. I said long story short so I'll honor that. The movie harked back to what was so great about the original: sparse though witty, quick dialouge, handsome men in even more handsome clothing and a whole slew of ganster vocabulary that we all think we understand but who does? What's so great about the movie is that you don't care. You just look forward to the next time George Clooney tilts his perfectly coiffed head, smirks and says something about Susan B. Anthony. b+

Monday, June 4, 2007

"it's called jew"

knocked up.

a comedy from the guy who brought us "40 year old virgin" that tells the story of an improbable one night stand that ends in pregnancy all the fallout that comes of it. that's about the long and short of it. though it definitely felt like 'it's all been done before' it was truly funny. i wasn't expecting much but then i heard the director, judd apatow, and the star, seth rogen, on npr and i decided i would go see it. the story is minimal but the actors, including katherine hiegl of 'grey's anatomy' fame, bring a surprisingly serious tone to the picture. it's rare i truly laugh in a movie theatre but the laughs kept coming and i seriously missed two minutes of dialouge because of a brutally hilarious scene. it's simply a good time with good heart.
