Thursday, January 22, 2009

back from the brain dead

man, i have found it really difficult to keep up with my livejournal. i don't even deign to call it a blog. i've not been a writer, ever really, but i like having a place of record.

thankfully, not much is going on lately. i have some sibling drama but i think that will stay as long as i have siblings. i'm feeling brain dead. i haven't done anything really mentally or academically challenging since i first started studying for the LCSW exam. i looked at the different parks  & rec offerings. i've always talked about taking spanish or something creative. now's the time to put up or shut up. god, i hate that expression. i don't know what made me use it. unimportant.

i've also been in a reading binge. in the last month i've read about seven books. some good, some truly brain candy (i love Meg Cabot for that).

truth telling time: i slipped up and had some bread and milk and wow- i can tell the difference in just the feeling in my body. the next day i felt very sluggish, very moody and as if that sandwich and milk added ten lbs to me. lesson learned. so i'm back to no flour, no sugar and slowly feeling better.

goals for now: keep doing what's right and definitely go see all the oscar nominated films i can see in the next month.