Monday, May 14, 2007

"you're full of piss and vinegar son, ain't ya?"

harsh times. run, don't walk, away from this movie. it's actually on our tv right now as i type this. i think it's possibly one of the most awful movies i've ever seen.

"i'm feeling like a better person after watching this movie"
"it's so bad it's good"
-my friend virginia

i haven't heard so much gratuitous swearing in awhile. i realize it may very well represent a lot of people's lives. christian bale portrays a anti-social, borderline psychotic, Gulf War veteran who is trying very hard to break into law enforcement. mostly though, he travels around los angeles with his buddy smokin up, drinking and just generally fucking around.

i'd recommend not viewing it but if you must just don't expect a lot. but don't watch it alone - it's definitely for groups to laugh at together. good times. wrong title.
