Friday, February 17, 2006

survey whore

i've received a couple of these from ephany and i've yet to complete one even though i love reading them. so here goes.

1. First Name? eris

2. Were you named after anyone? the answer is allegedly no

3. Do you wish on stars? sure

4. Which finger is your favorite? chicken

5. When did you last cry? about a week ago?

6. Do you like your handwriting? eh

7. What is your favorite lunchmeat? roast beef (i miss those bodega deli sandwiches)

8. What's the most embarrassing CD on your shelf? i forget the name but it's a best of the 90s hip hop vol.

9. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? we'd be BFF!

10. Are you a daredevil? not really

11. Do you trust others easily? nope

12. What class in school do you think is totally useless? GEOMETRY!

13. Do you have a journal? you're reading the latest incarnation

14. What do you look for in a guy/girl? humor, truth, beauty (what i call it), intelligence, conversation, desire for improvement, devotion to me

15. What are your nicknames? eri, e

16. Would you bungee jump? n-o

17. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? soy dream's cherry nirvana

18. Shoe size? 10

19. What's your favorite color? currenty, red

20. How many wisdom teeth do you have? two

21. Do you want everyone to send this back? sure, dunno, not really applicable

22. What are you listening to right now? the simpsons

23. Last thing you ate/drank? a veggie burrito/water

24. Last person you talked to on the phone? an apartment manager

25. Do you like the person who sent this? MUCHO!

26. How are you today? feeling a little disgusted

27. Favorite sports? i love to swim and do kickboxing type of aerobics and i'll watch most things...

28. Hair color? black

29. Eye color? brown

30. Do you wear contacts? no

31. Siblings? 4

32. Favorite month? september

33. Favorite food? right now - chicken tibbs from dalo's

34. Last movie you watched in theatres? rumor has it

35. Favorite day(s)/time of the year? saturday/fall

36. Scary movies or happy endings? (is this in the same category?)happy endings

37. Summer or winter? neither i prefer moderation but if i have to choose: winter

38. Who is most likely to respond? well as about 3 three people know about this site i'd say one of them

39. Who is least likely to respond? the other two

40. What are you currently reading? "turning thirty" by mike gayle

41. What's on your mouse pad? it's a laptop, there's no pad (me too!)

42. Favorite board game? clue and taboo

43. What did you watch on TV last night? NOT the office because of the olympics; something on opb

44. Favorite smells? lavender and my new escential oil mix: chinese musk + linen

45. What's the 1st thing you think when you wake up? ...i could call in...

46. Write one nice thing about the person who sent this to you? she is so kind and generous. i'm glad i've entered her world.

47. What's your favorite weather? ~77 degrees with partly to mostly sunny skies and a breeze. ah!

48. What is your favorite saying/comments? "that's how they get ya" "you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled first" & lots of other movie quotes.

50. Cats or dogs? dogs

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