Friday, April 18, 2008

mucus is in the air

forget love, tis the season for some sneezing.

i was sick. jc was sick. my sister, my niece- we all fell down. blech. coughing is now down to one instance per 10 minutes. my throat is raw and it's doubtful (even more than usual) that i'll ever have my day onstage at the met. such is life.

new york was TERRIFIC. i had a great time visiting with family, friends and the city itself. it's hard not to acknowledge its own life. anyway, jc granted me validation on my many ramblings about the big, bad city. he loved it. flirted with the idea of moving there and promptly dismissed it after we had a nasty interaction with a bus driver. such is the life. i'm so glad to visit it and *know* it but i'm also glad to leave it when i'm done now. this is a huge breakthrough for me as i always used to consider nyc as *the* place for me. now i realize, it can be anywhere. what actually matters is what i do when i get to wherever i'm going.

speaking of, the countdown continues and the city of roses arrival is so near. our excitement is almost tangible. details are ironing out. i am on a mission to find someone to sublet. we have temp housing already worked out and jc will have his truck shipped out instead of the previous (insane) plan to drive out first.

i continue to maintain my denial about how hard it will be to tell my family goodbye.

speaking of mental health issues, i'm listening to 'think out loud' on OPB and it's just distressing the issues these men and women are having to deal with post-war. my brother-in-law seems to be the case in point. his issues, mixed with those of my sister's, seem to be producing a less than ideal marriage. i keep praying for the kids.

speaking of kids, i still don't have any. *grin* i've battled with being mad at people who ask and just saying 'no'. jc is shocked to learn i struggle with using this word with people other than him. it's true though. i've been recommended to read a book about boundaries. finally.

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