Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"Accept the good"

In my quest to apparently watch every movie I missed out on seeing in the theatre during "The Atlanta Months", I have singularly kept the Hollywood Video on Broadway & 10th in business. I'm averaging five movies a week. I haven't be able to review everything but I have to comment on the following.

Things we lost in the fire.  This movie, starring Halle Berry and Benicio del Toro, is set outside of Seattle, WA and focuses on Halle's character, Audrey, who is grieving the loss of her husband, played by David Duchovny. Audrey ends up inviting Jerry (del Toro) to live with herself and her 10 year old daughter and 6 year old son. Jerry was her husband's best friend and is also dealing with a serious heroin addiction. It's a classic, quiet character study and does well exploring the grief process of both Audrey and Jerry. The withdrawal process is accurately portrayed as Audrey learns to cope without her marriage and Jerry without drugs. The film is tender but also emotionally harsh and Benicio del Toro is, as always, compelling to simply watch. Supporting characters (neighbors, Audrey's family) as well as the children pay pivotal roles that help make the film a concrete piece of drama that will give the viewer (or at least did for this viewer) a renewed faith in independent film.  Not to mention, Halle Berry's ability to cry. *grin*  A-

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