Sunday, April 2, 2006

vamos a la playa!

so yesterday j and i spent the day together. 'twas marvelous!

we drove over to oswald west and did that little hike down to the beach. it was actually great weather for a change. however, the tide was WAY IN and there was no actual beach. so we hiked back to the car and drove into manzanita. cute town. we sat on the beach and just talked. actually, it was really really cold and we just kept saying how it was so cold and we should really leave and go eat. we finally did in time for it to start raining. ugh. we made it in the car before the downpour, thankfully. we then stopped at the tillamook cheese factory. interesting. or not. whatever. i had a good cheese sample. i don't think much of making cheese since i eat so little of it but man, is it a process!

we eventually stopped at a hole in the wall chinese place and enjoyed fried beige foods. yum. seriously, everything on both our plates was fried, save for my steamed rice. gross!

we made it back to portland and i was shocked he had never seen 'state and main' so i popped it in. he (appropriately) liked it. i won't review it only to say it is a fabulous ensemble david mamet film and everyone should at least try to watch it- you'll either hate it or love it but my bet is with love.

so, i had to let him go home eventually because he has church on sunday mornings. i still don't understand how i am with someone who goes to church.....weird.

well, off to brunch to celebrate t's new job. mmmm....french toast.

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