Tuesday, August 7, 2007

"You're the biggest poser of all"

Wild Hogs. Ok, in a moment of boredom and desperation for something to do the husband and I went to local dollar theatre (seriously, just $1 on Tuesday and $1.25 all other days) and this was our best option. Eh.

What we see here is the disjointed, rushed together story of four middle aged men in need of some excitement in their lives. They belong to their own "motorcycle gang" called the "Wild Hogs". They take a short ride every Sudnay to the nearest bar, drink and recall the good ol' days. They're each depressed with the status quo so they decide to take a road trip on their motorcycles, heading to the Pacific from Cincinnati, Ohio.

This movie has been done before with so many different age groups, races, genders, etc. and this movie did not shine amongst other notables like "Thelma & Louise" or "Broken Flowers" or most similar to what I think they were honoring "Easy Rider". The movie even features a cameo by Peter Fonda. I hope he was paid well.

I can't completely complain because it was $1 but if I had paid more I would've been upset. Oh, the movie, right. Well, along the way they each learn a valuable lesson that will make them a better person when they get back to Ohio. That is, oddly, except for John Travolta's character, Woody. He finally confesses SPOILER to the guys that he's getting divorced, is broke and has lost his house. This is never mentioned in the end. Truthfully, his acting is so over-the-top bad you don't really care.


As I said, thank you God for broke down, cheap theatres.

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